Discipleship Ecosystem
"They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved."
Acts 2:46-47
Create a culture of disciple-making based on the 7 rhythms of discipleship and experiential learning.
Built on the first church from Acts 2, a discipleship ecosystem is a simple, intentional plan for the healthy spiritual growth of the people in your church.
Establishing an ecosystem is one of the greatest gifts you can give your church. It allows everyone to see, know, and understand the discipleship plan without the burden of deciding what’s next.
Every resource Rooted Network develops for your church teaches and reinforces the 7 rhythms of a disciple and provides experiential learning opportunities to help people live out their faith with intentionality.
The Rooted Network discipleship ecosystem =
+ consistent rhythms
+ transformational experiences
+ multiple study options over time

The Image of God
Gain a beautiful, biblical understanding of human life, dignity, and worth that is rooted in God's original design for His people.
Learn foundational Christian beliefs, practice the 7 rhythms of discipleship, and step beyond comfort zones through experiential learning opportunities.
The Story of God
Explore the overarching redemptive narrative of the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, to discover the story of Jesus on every page of Scripture and how to live as part of that story.
Theology and the Mission of God
Lead people out of their comfort zones and into deeper spiritual maturity through the study and application of core doctrines from the global Church.

Rooted Network Discipleship Bundle
The Rooted Network Discipleship Bundle is the best way to see how Rooted Network resources can help you create a powerful discipleship ecosystem in your church.
All of these resources, beginning with the Rooted experience, incorporate the 7 rhythms of discipleship. These rhythms are essential to a healthy relationship with Jesus. Participants learn to practice these rhythms through experiences that help groups live them out together. The Bundle includes full copies of core resources created in the local church for the local church. Each resource fits into a simple-yet-proven plan for making disciples. Form and launch new groups, strengthen and rejuvenate existing groups, and establish a discipleship ecosystem for the whole church.
Save over 30% by buying the bundle versus each product individually.
What’s Inside
1 copy of each of the following resources
- Rooted — Workbook
- Rooted — Facilitator Guide
- Rooted Essentials — Student Workbook
- Rooted Identity Bookmarks
- Rooted Affirmation Cards
- Rooted Cardboard Testimony Cards
- Rooted Serve Cards
- Rooted Generosity Cards
- The Story of God — Workbook
- The Story of God — Student Workbook
- The Image of God — Workbook
- Theology and the Mission of God — Workbook