The Rhythm of Serve the Community

The Rhythm of Serve the Community

“Now all the believers were together and held all things in common.” They gave where there was need.” – Acts 2:44 – 45

We believe that, as Christians, we are called and equipped by the Holy Spirit to share God’s love with those around us and around the world—in our communities and in all nations. When we serve, we are partnering with God in His work and we impact the people we encounter. Looking to Jesus as our example, we see that He didn’t serve from far off. He took time with people, in a personal way, for their specific needs.

Following in His footsteps, the early church modeled what this looked like when they, without hesitation, pooled their resources to give to those in need. They realized the importance of serving one another in any tangible way they could. They looked at each other as brothers and sisters in Christ and knew it was their responsibility to come alongside each other in meeting needs. We, like the early church, believe that serving each other is a powerful way for the church to be the hands and feet of Jesus.

The world today doesn’t look exactly like it did 2,000 years ago when the church began, but the church’s need to serve the community remains the same. We’re to love as Christ first loved us—both in word and deed.

So, how are you inviting and encouraging people into a rhythm of regular service? Does your church understand the call to serve, the motive behind service, where to find the power to serve, and different ways they can serve? In addition to filling individual spots for volunteers, do you have opportunities for small groups to serve together? Are all of your volunteer and service opportunities focused internally or do they also focus on blessing your neighbors and broader community outside of your church?

We’d love to help you lead your church in healthy, ongoing rhythms like serving the community. To find out more about “serve experiences” and the 7 Rhythms of Rooted, sign up for our free “What is Rooted?” webinar. You can also download a free sample of Rooted which includes an introduction to the 7 Rhythms found in Acts 2.

Jessica Ludwig is the Marketing Manager at Rooted Network. She loves people and her favorite activities include cooking for and hosting friends and family, sharing about the redemptive work of Jesus in her life, and encouraging others on their faith journey. She studied the Bible at Calvary Chapel Bible College before stepping into full-time ministry 13 years ago. She is married to Nathan and lives in Southern California.

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