3 Ways Coaching Can Enhance Your Discipleship Ministry

At Rooted Network, we often use the term "coach," but the more I reflect on it, the more I realize that "guide" is just as fitting to describe what we do. Our coaches are not just advisors—they are pastors and practitioners who are deeply involved in fostering rhythmic and experiential discipleship cultures. Every Rooted Network coach is committed to helping leaders who desire to guide their congregations to know and follow God daily. And ur one-on-one coaching is always free of charge.

Introducing change in our churches can be daunting. It's not just about the new content, processes, or structures; there are also leadership challenges, vision-casting needs, and potential push-back to navigate. We understand these hurdles, because we've been there ourselves. Our mission is to help you overcome them, too. Here are the three primary ways we can help:

It’s hard to lead others to a place you've never been. Establishing a new discipleship culture through Rooted requires both planning and a shift in perspective. Often, creating something new requires doing things differently and seeing your church's context in a new light. If you’re the one leading change in your church, you’re likely wearing many hats: project manager, trailblazer, and the "boots on the ground." The first step to success is adopting the right mindset about your role and seeking guidance from key decision-makers in your church, as well as from a Rooted Network coach. Our approach is to ask insightful questions that help us understand your situation and goals, then provide you with a range of options to craft a plan that honors God and makes tangible progress. You were never meant to go it alone, and neither is your church meant to have a leader who does.

One of the greatest privileges of being a Rooted Network coach is the opportunity to listen to and pray for pastors and church leaders who reach out to us. Every week, we begin meetings discussing plans and end them in prayer for patience, wisdom, and perspective. Leadership is hard. Change is hard. Ministry can be exhausting. If you feel alone in ministry, our coaches are here to connect you with others, pray with you, and offer practical encouragement.

Thinking outside the box is tough when you're immersed in your own context. But inviting others to challenge your plans and perspectives can bring fresh insights and new ideas. We often ask questions like, “Have you thought about ___?” or “Have you prepared for ___?” when working with pastors and church leaders.

At the same time, after running Rooted for a while and seeing lives transformed, it’s important to continue challenging ourselves, too. Questions like, “Are our groups continuing to grow in discipleship?” or “Do we have a strong pathway for training future facilitators?” help keep us on track. Are we nurturing the growth of the seven rhythms of a disciple? These are the kinds of challenges that keep us moving forward in our discipleship efforts.

Having a coach can provide the guidance you need through every stage of the process. Whether you’re exploring Rooted for the first time or you’ve already launched it in your church, a coach can help you navigate different experiences and lead your facilitators effectively. If your church is thriving with Rooted and you want to keep building on that success, a coach can offer practical strategies to maintain momentum. And if you feel like your discipleship efforts have lost energy or stalled, you’re not alone.

Every discipleship plan goes through seasons of growth and decline, acceleration and deceleration. This ebb and flow is not a sign of failure but an opportunity to pause, evaluate, and refocus. We've seen churches return to the core principles of rhythmic and experiential discipleship and get Re-Rooted.

If this resonates with you, or if you’re tired of going it alone, reach out to us at coaching@experiencerooted.com. We’d love to journey together.


By Derek Alonzi, Rooted Network Coach


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