Does Your Ministry Have "Senioritis"?

Do you remember being a student as summer approached? Teachers jokingly refer to “senioritis,” since seniors often have the hardest time staying motivated in the last weeks of spring. This happens in churches too—but with the leadership.

Are you still focused?

Ministry calendars often mirror the school year. Programming kicks off in the fall and reboots in January. The weeks after Spring Break and Easter too easily become a countdown to summertime where not much happens. Just like senior year, it’s tempting to hit cruise control and coast through the rest of the schedule.

Que the classic rock anthem: “Schoooooool’s out for summer!” (Record scratch.) But is it?


Last week’s article emphasized the importance of sharing stories of life-changing experiences with Jesus. It’s important to celebrate the Spirit’s work in and through our lives. In fact, celebrating God’s goodness is at the heart of worship. The joy of Easter isn’t the end-of-year party with nothing left to do. It’s a new beginning!

Cast vision. Share stories. Have fun! Celebration fuels momentum—it excites church members and energizes leaders.


Speaking of energy, rest is just as important as celebration. We can’t go-go-go forever, no matter how motivated we are. Ministry is notorious for burning people out. Intentional rest and celebration are both vital to healthy ministry. Take small breaks and rotate leaders to maintain energy. Like growing teenagers, healthy ministry requires both activity and rest. You need rest. Your leaders need rest.

Jesus rested. As disciple-makers, we should follow His example.

But keep going!

Resting isn’t the same thing as “doing nothing.” Discipleship is never passive—even rest is intentional and therefore productive. For example, just because certain leaders need a break after a busy semester or year, doesn’t mean everyone else was equally busy and in need of rest. Use celebrations as a time to call on fresh people to step up and get involved. Provide short-term opportunities to develop new leaders, engage new people in groups, experience new ways of serving… all while enabling busy leaders to take a deep breath and enjoy being involved without being “in charge” of something.

Just like celebration should energize people, small breaks or rotations are meant to be refreshing so that we can all continue growing in spiritual maturity.

What’s your plan for Spring (and Summer)?

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